Thursday, August 27, 2020

The balancing act of urban conservation

Our insights are informed by a decade studying the ecology of vacant land within Cleveland, Ohio, USA, a post-industrial city that currently encompasses >27,000 vacant lots.In 2012, we received funding to evaluate eight economically-feasible strategies to manage vacant land, with the broad goals of improving habitat quality for arthropods, supporting ecosystem services and beautifying the city Despite familiarity with recognized socioecological frameworks, we struggled to apply recommendations to our project, particularly when establishing and maintaining native plants. We share our experiences of practical realities ecologists can face when attempting to follow best practices, and note the strategies employed by our team and other when implementing community-driven conservation”

Katherine J. Turo & Mary M. Gardiner 
Nature Communications volume 11

Friday, August 7, 2020

Urban Ecological Restoration

New Zealand has set a goal of achieving 10% vegetative cover, primarily by planting its native tree species, into its largest 20 urban centers. This short TED talk by Bruce Clarkson discusses how they did just that. You can view the video at the below link